Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A day out to Tanjung Sepat~

Holiday in Sungai Lembing was one hell of memorable experience! But before I procceed to the Sg.Lembing post, Tg.Sepat come first~

21 July 2009 - I received a call few days back from one of my NS friend~ She invited me for a photo shooting outing organised by her friend - Joel. Since we haven't meet up for some time, and I got nothing to do~ why not?

It was a rainy morning and we're worried that the weather might ruin our plan. We went there for lunch the food there not bad and affordable too~

We had prawns, crabs, clamps, oysters, and a vege for lunch! No time for photo, HUNGRY!

I think we had good karma, weather turn out to be so nice for us after meal!

This is part of the so called the 'Lover Bridge'. . . but why?

Based on Chinese custom, it is said that during Chinese's Valentine Day. . . girls would write down their contact and wishes on Mandarine oranges and then throw them into the water, hoping to find a good partner. Guys on the other hand, would pick them up and said to be fated with the girl. . . =) Fated or not, I just hope that couples would live happily ever after~
So, this bridge is crowded with people during the vestival, where the bridge got its name - Lover Bridge.

Some snapshot while I'm on the bridge~
Its a beautiful day!

We bumped into a couple taking their wedding photo on Lover Bridge. They might've met here! ^^

We then visit to the LingZhi (Ganoderma lucidium) farm to see how they grew~
LingZhi is said to have alot of medicinal properties and is one of the most expensive herbs.

They grew mushrooms and fungus here too~ those with loads of mineral properties.

Some kids fishing in the hut at the center of a brigde.

We continue our journey to Sepang Gold Coast for sun set~
Unfortunately, the sun was barely visible due to clouds... =(

Saw a happy couple walking along the beach with their baby~
Some composed photo ~

Thx for the invitation again ~ ^^ and glad to know some new friends!
for more photos, please login your Facebook and click here!

Thx for visiting my blog!

signed off at 2.45 p.m.